Ivan, the 20-year-old son of Valery Zolotukhin, is following in his father’s footsteps by studying acting at the Oleg Tabakov School and working in film and theater. His mother, actress Irina Lindt, shared new photos of him on social media, where followers noticed his strong resemblance to his father.
Irina agrees that Ivan inherited much from Valery, not only in appearance but also in character. She mentions that Ivan is more rugged and taller, with a strong core, unlike his father, who was soft-hearted. Irina also notes that Ivan is very kind but has a tougher side compared to his dad.
Their relationship began in the early 2000s, with Ivan born in 2004. Despite this, Valery remained married, living between two families. After his death in 2013, Irina stated that he was her only true love.