Russian actor Mikhail Efremov, currently serving a sentence in a penal colony for a fatal car accident in 2020, may request permission to attend the funeral of his former wife, actress Yevgeniya Dobrovolskaya, according to Ivan Melnikov, vice president of the Russian branch of the International Human Rights Defense Committee.
Melnikov stated that short-term leave can be granted in special cases, including attending funerals. He added that Efremov has maintained good behavior in the facility, which gives him the right to submit such a request. However, it is unlikely he will be allowed to leave due to concerns about public backlash and the fact that Efremov and Dobrovolskaya were married long ago, from 1990 to 1997.
Dobrovolskaya passed away on January 10, reportedly due to acute heart failure caused by her battle with cancer. The farewell ceremony is scheduled for January 14, according to the National News Service.