Kelsie Kimberlin is a proud Ukrainian American singer known for her strong vocal abilities and songs about issues that have an impact on the world. She is an international artist and also an activist: earlier this year, she traveled to Colombia, where she filmed two new music videos, and after that to Ukraine, where she engaged in humanitarian work and filmed more music videos in support of Ukraine.

”Armageddon,” her latest single, is a powerful and impactful song mixed by Grammy winner Liam Nolan. The song deals with the ongoing war and devastation in Ukraine, and her people protecting themselves and the world from such aggression. In Kelsie’s own words: ”Armageddon is my song about Ukraine fighting to protect the world from the terror of an unprovoked and unjust war., and the video was filmed in Ukraine at the sites of the worst atrocities around Kyiv. I am the first international artist to be allowed to film in these locations. President Zelensky, when speaking at the Grammys, asked all musicians to use their music to speak out about Ukraine and that is what I am doing with this song.”

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