On August 15, 1977, scientists at Ohio University’s Big Ear radio telescope detected a mysterious signal that remains unsolved to this day. This event, now known as the WOW Signal, was discovered by Jerry R. Ehman during the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project. While analyzing the data, Ehman was so amazed that he wrote “WOW!” on the observation sheet, giving the signal its famous name.

The WOW Signal lasted for just 72 seconds and was detected at a 1420 MHz frequency—a significant frequency because it matches the hydrogen line, an important marker in astronomy. Scientists considered this highly unusual, yet the signal was never detected again.

There are several theories about the origin of the WOW Signal. Some researchers believe it could be a potential message from an alien civilization. Others argue that it may have been caused by natural cosmic phenomena.

Skeptics suggest another possibility: at the time, there were discussions about cutting funding for the SETI project, and some believe the WOW Signal might have been fabricated to keep the project alive.

Beyond the scientific world, the WOW Signal has also influenced popular culture. The famous novel Contact by Carl Sagan, which was later adapted into a movie, was partly inspired by this mysterious event.

Was the WOW Signal humanity’s first message from extraterrestrials, or just a strange cosmic event? Scientists are still searching for answers.
