Kelsie Kimberlin is a proud Ukrainian American singer known for her strong vocal abilities and songs about issues that have an impact on the world. She is an international artist and also an activist: earlier this year, she traveled to Colombia, where she filmed two new music videos, and after that to Ukraine, where she engaged in humanitarian work and filmed more music videos in support of Ukraine.

Her latest single, “Another Chance To Live Again,” is the second in a trilogy of songs about the war in Ukraine. Grammy winner Liam Nolan mixed the song, and Grammy nominee Stuart Hawkes mastered it. The song was orchestrated by famous Kyiv composer Yurii Shepeta. “Another Chance To Live Again” is about the profound feelings of hurt and loss that so many people in Ukraine have experienced since they were attacked by war criminals starting in 2014. Kelsie’s own words on the song are: “I wanted to express and encapsulate the feelings not only of individual people but of an entire country and society, so I used religious and spiritual references in the music and lyrics, and filmed in several places that have religious significance.” the video for the song was filmed in some of the locations of the worst atrocities in Irpin and Bucha.

