Fans who checked Valya Karnaval’s Telegram channel this morning were in for a surprise! The popular blogger looked almost unrecognizable in her latest photos and videos. The reason? She decided to experiment with her appearance again—this time by trying out colored contact lenses.
Even Valya herself was shocked by how much eye color can change a person’s look. “Honestly, I’m in complete shock at how different I look. This is how I would have appeared if my mom’s genes had won,” she shared. However, she admitted that her natural contrast was still the best. Luckily, lenses can always be removed!
Just recently, Valya Karnaval wowed her fans with a bold new video. Ever since reaching her ideal weight of 48 kg, she has been proudly showing off her transformation. The comment section was on fire, with fans calling her “sexy,” “a queen,” and even comparing her to Katya Sambuka. Some followers, however, found the comparison a bit unexpected!
Meanwhile, an old viral video featuring Valya caught the attention of Egor Kreed. The blogger previously revealed that her ex-boyfriend used to criticize her—even over a small pack of M&M’s. This, she said, led to serious eating disorders. Many assumed she was talking about Kreed, prompting him to reach out for clarification. “Valya, what’s going on? Is this about me? Or have I lost my mind and just don’t remember?” he reportedly asked.