Distant Drum Radio is the musical journey created by Jody Vukas, blending Melodic, Tech, and Progressive House into a captivating weekly show for a growing global audience. Each episode takes listeners on an immersive exploration through dynamic soundscapes, pulsating beats, and the latest tracks, reflecting Jody’s keen ear for quality and his deep ties to the underground electronic music scene.
Since its launch, Distant Drum Radio has evolved into a hub for discovering both fresh releases and timeless anthems, featuring exclusive tracks and highlighting the diverse and evolving nature of the genre. The show’s fluid transitions and narrative structure showcase Jody’s skillful selection process, seamlessly connecting the intimacy of personal listening with the vibrant energy of the dancefloor.
Broadcast to an ever-growing global network of fans and complemented by Jody’s own productions and DJ performances, Distant Drum Radio is not just a mix show—it is a celebration of the artistry and passion that fuels the current electronic music landscape.
Tune In to Jody Vukas – Distant Drum Radio Show Radio Show:
📅 Day: Every Tuesday
⏰ Time: 21:00 (Azerbaijan Time)
📻 Where to Listen: Anti Radio