Jazz Robertson is a Colorado based songwriter and producer challenging the laws of modern pop music. Jazz’s pop-centered fusions have established a distinct sound combining elements from pop, alternative, orchestral, and hard rock. There are no rules, as long as there’s passion behind the music! As the executive producer of her catalog, Jazz’s diverse and open-minded range of influences allow her to make music both incredibly catchy and emotionally relevant. It’s not always easy to handle so many different aspects of the music creation process, but this comes naturally to Jazz, who loves having an intricate role in her art.

A musician turned songwriter, Jazz began playing the violin at 10 years old. Her skills earned a chair in the youth county orchestra and set a solid foundation for her string-driven sound to come. Though musicianship came first, she spent most of her teen years focused on a hobby of writing free verse poetry. The two passions would eventually cross paths in her late teens when she transitioned from poetry into songwriting. Studying shortly after with Berklee College of Music helped to hone her artistic skills and grow her capacity as a writer.

At only 19 years old, Jazz was invited to work as an intern at a Denver production studio. Determined to get a foot in the music industry’s door, she worked her way from basic errand runs to assisting the studio’s videography team. She soon was sitting in on recording sessions for local artists and managed to fall unexpectedly into the vocal booth for a visiting producer. Jazz quickly fell in love with the recording process as a demo vocalist, and this began a passion for creating her own music.

Like most of us, the 2020 pandemic left Jazz quarantined with nothing but time on her hands. She began pursuing online courses in music production, leading to the demos of ‘Collide’ and ‘Hurricane,’ which became her first official singles. Jazz now uses her home studio to write and produce demos before taking them into a professional studio. Here she works closely with Emmy and certified Gold Record producer Steve Avedis, as well as ITVA Award winner Tom Capek, to bring her songs to life. 

Jazz’s unconventional approach to genre-bending has also bled into her public presence as an artist. To date, Jazz has focused on producing and releasing music without public performances, although she does not rule out the possibility of connecting live with her fans in the future. Her ultimate goal is to create music both entertaining and meaningful, surpassing the repetitious cliches of modern pop music.

